Our blogs on Performance Coaching and Leadership Development
Demonstrating the Impact of Coaching: How Technology Supports Measurement
According to a 2017 International Coach Federation (ICF) survey, professional coaching is growing. Thirty-one percent of respondents said they’d participated in a business or life coaching relationship, and 66 percent said they were at least “somewhat” aware of the field. These numbers were up from 17 percent and 58 percent, [...]
If Leading Inclusively Feels Uncomfortable, You’re Doing it Right
We all know how it feels to be excluded. Just think back to childhood days of not being invited to a party or having no place to sit in the cafeteria at lunch. Sometimes, we forget that exclusion is alive and well among working adults, too. There is no shortage [...]
5 Great Reasons Why You Should Get an Executive Coach
An Executive coach is needed by every organization that wants to improve their productivity. In this article An article By Gordon TredgoldFounder and CEO, Leadership Principles@gordontredgold, you will get to know about the reason why an executive coach is important. Training is good, but it's coaching that helps you make [...]
5 Great Reasons Why You Should Get an Executive Coach
Training is good, but it's coaching that helps you make the improvements needed. By Gordon TredgoldFounder and CEO, Leadership Principles@gordontredgold Executive coaching was not something I ever saw myself either signing up for, as I was always of the impression that only poor performers or underperformers needed coaching and I [...]
Top 5 Challenges faces by Business Executives: By Forbes
Business Executives’ Greatest Challenge: Generating Revenue (26%) The most-cited challenge for our Forbes Councils members was generating revenue. Whether seeking startup capital or consistency month-to-month, money is top of mind for today’s executives. Twenty-six percent of overall respondents, including 55% of sole proprietors (companies with only one employee), listed revenue [...]
Why Do You Need A Coach?
We all face many challenges at work like: • The incessant demands to increase our performance levels • The current VUCA world which is volatile, uncertain, complex & ambiguous • A fiercely competitive environment where we need to constantly safeguard our interests This constant pressure on us creates limbic arousal [...]